What is spiritual ascension?

What are the differences between spirituality, awakening, and ascension?
Spirituality is about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself which can result in positive emotions such as gratitude, peace, joy and love. It is a universal human experience that can be described as sacred. Whether you are communicating with source, angels, your ancestors or your higher self, when you bring the presents of spirit into your life you have experiences that go beyond the physical.
Awakening is the unfolding realization that there is a larger divine plan that is being carried out throughout all reality. During the awakening process you experience shifts in perception, increased mindfulness, spiritual growth and a deeper connection to yourself and to the world. It's a phenomenon where we radiate more light as we progress towards evaluating our conscious awareness.
Spiritual Ascension is the transformative process of choosing to live at a higher level of conscious awareness. It is the process of increasing your vibration and awareness by opening up your mind, expanding your consciousness and living a heart-centered rather than an egocentric life. All those spiritual ascension is often triggered by a life-altering event, in more recent years we have been undergoing a massive awakening as a collective. This shift requires us to release self-limiting beliefs and embrace the feeling of oneness. Earth or herself, as she receives more photonic light, is going through her own ascension process at the same time. During the process of ascension, you align with the divine consciousness. Your entire existence, not just physically, mentally and spiritually is affected by this process. A complete change with a heightened sense of connection with every entity in the universe occurs as you realign with Divine love and a higher state of awareness.
What are spiritual timelines?
The pathway that you choose to follow throughout your life is called a timeline. As we all have free will, we can also choose to change timelines at any time. According to the Arcturians, channeled by Daniel Scranton, a timeline is nothing more than a series of realities strong together where there is a logical cause and effect. You are the cause. You may want to choose a timeline with more peace, more prosperity, more fairness, and with all of the manifestations that you want for living a life of joy, freedom and abundance. As you choose to ascend higher on your spiritual path, you can consistently move forward to the next highest level. This is a natural process that happens when you let go of your past that seems to be holding you back. Your vibration will then continue to increase if you make a conscious decision to move on to even higher timelines. Changes occur in the Physical Realm as your vibration increases and outdated beliefs and patterns fall away. Reaching your highest timeline requires being of service to humanity, daily spiritual work and always choosing love and compassion when chaos, fear, hate and toxic verbiage challenge you. The more you live in love, unity consciousness, the recognition that we are all one, forgiveness and compassion, the higher your vibration becomes.
How do you know if you are awakening?
Although experiences differ from one person to another, Sarah Bell noted some of the more common patterns that indicate a spiritual awakening
Increased awareness
heightened intuition
Greater synchronicities
Feeling more connected
More compassion / acceptance
Deep feeling of clarity
Seeking the truth
If you are experiencing the ascension process, you may notice that your confidence and your self worth is growing from the inside. Rather than looking for approval from others or following guidelines established by society, you may tend to place more weight on that which resonates with you.
What is a starseed?
Where did information about Starseeds originate?
Channeling is an ancient practice used by many cultures throughout history. It involves connecting with a higher power or divine energy to receive spiritual guidance and insight. Although it has been around for a very long time, it is only recently that people have begun looking at it as a valid form of communication. Along with seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records (also known as "the book of life"), most challenges agree that Starseeds are advanced traveling souls from other planets who incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings and to practice in the planet's evolution.
Is a lightworker a synonym for a Starseed?
No, they are two different categories, but they can overlap. A Starseed is a person whose soul has a long history of extraterrestrial past lives on other planets before they began incarnating on earth. A Starseed can also be a lightworker. A light worker, on the other hand, is a special person whose primary purpose is to spread kindness, goodness and love to every being they meet. As they work solely for the light, they are not bound to any particular planet, society or culture.
What is a Starseed purpose?
More than others on the planet, the Starseed lightworker has an inherent sole purpose to be of service in love, light and truth for the ascension and evolution of the new earth.

"We invite you to examine your beliefs, your expectations and you assumptions, and hold only eternal truths to be true.
Here are the eternal truths: We are all one. We are all Source. And Source is Love, therefore, we are Love.
Everything is comprised of Love, and we are all going home to Love. Anything else you are entertaining is just a belief.
Now, the good thing about beliefs is that you can trade them in."
- Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters
What is a Starseed awakening?
A star seed Awakening is a profound Spiritual Awakening which occurs when a person with a soul originating in a distant galaxy becomes aware of their true cosmic nature. The awakening can also occur if the Starseed experiences a traumatic life event. According to the spiritual teacher Paul Wagner, Starseeds start to remember and reconnect with their past or future lives in other galaxies and planets during this awakening process.
"As an awakened Starseed lightworker, I have come to understand that my deep connection to the universe stems from thousands of years ago when my roots extended to the planet Arcturus*, to Andromeda** and to Lemuria***. My Awakening triggered a transformative journey of self-discovery with an increased sense of intuition, empathy and psychic abilities. Along with other awakened Starseeds, I have always had a sense that I am not from here, but I feel an obligation to bring love, healing, and positive change to humanity and to the planet."

*Who were the Acturians?
The Arcturians are one of the oldest, most evolved and technically advanced civilizations in the galaxy. Their origin dates back millions of years when they began inhabiting the Arcturus star system, which is about 36 light-years from Earth.
Arcturian philosophy is based on a deep understanding of the nature of reality, that energy is the essence of all creation.
They also believe that parallel dimensions not only exist, but that life forms have the ability to move between these dimensions.
**Who were the Andromedans?
Andromedan starseeds are believed to be celestial beings from the Andromeda galaxy star system who are incarnated as humans on Earth. They are regarded as wise, loving, and compassionate beings that exist in the twelfth dimension.
They are considered one of the rarer types of Starseeds. It is believed that less than 1 million Andromedans live on Earth.
Andromedan starseed traits: highly empathic, innate ability to help and heal others, humble, peaceful, authentic, love of animals and nature, reserved, balanced and discerning.
Andromeda is a spiral galaxy located about 2.5 million light years away. Some scientists believe that the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide several billion years from now and form one large elliptical galaxy.
***Who were the Lemurians?
Lemuria (also known as Mu) was a continent in the Pacific Ocean during the pre-ancient world.
The most fundamental principle underlying Lemurian philosophy was their belief in the one Creator or God and the Oneness of all things. They understood the energetic connection that existed from one human being to another and between humans, plants and animal life on the planet. Inner wisdom was prioritized over technology. They greatly respected Universal Law (the belief in karma is a Lemurian legacy, not from the Hindu or Buddhist religions).
Lemurians believed in forgiveness and the expression of gratitude. Trust and surrender were basic philosophical principles as was their belief that consulting one’s inner knowing or intuition was the way to solve problems. Lemurians were non-judgmental people who practiced compassion and unconditional love. Their peaceful civilization existed spiritually for thousands of years until cataclysmic upheavals sank the planet around 24,000 B.C.